glEdit Homepage

glEdit is a text editor created to utilize the 3:rd dimension. glEdit is developed by David "Skystroller" Lundholm, and released under the GNU Public License.

glEdit uses the SDL, Freetype and glut libraries.
If they work on your platform so will glEdit.

Current features:
* Full OpenGL 3D acceleration
* Never before seen gui (or have you?)
* And it also has the ability to edit texts

Features soon to be seen:
* Full featured text editor functions
* Full syntax highlighting for C/C++
* Compiler bindings for GNU make
* Hex editor capabilities
* and of course more 3D goodies...

Look at these screenshots to see glEdit in action.

Now head over to the project's homepage to download the latest files.

Homepage written in glEdit version by Dennis "Sarde" Saarela, whom also supports me during glEdit development. For any comments or question, feel free to drop me an e-mail.